Modern Indian Postal History is very and vibrant and provides a vivid, varied and wealthy treasure of information. Idea of creating a blog ‘Glimpses of Modern Indian Philately’ is conceived to provide, share and discuss unusual or less known information exclusively on all different postal services with its sidelines, various aspects of postage stamps, postal stationery etc. and non postal facilities provided by India Post. Collectors of Modern Indian Philately around the world are invited to share the knowledge and information on the subject.
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- Indian Philatelists Forum
- Vadodara, Gujarat, India
- This blog is to promote Modern Indian Postal History of India. Collectors of Modern Indian Philately around the world are invited to share the knowledge and information on the subject.
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Today I came to know from online news channels about the sad demise of Senior Philatelist Dr. P. G. Krishnamurthy, a retired assistant professor at the Manipal Institute of Technology. To the utter shock Dr. Krishnamurthy’s body was found floating in an open well in the compound of his house in Hiriadka village in Karnataka on 10th June evening. He was 75.
Dr. Krishnamurthy was an ardent philatelist and researcher of Modern Indian Postal History. He had contributed several articles on Modern Indian Postal History for ‘Vadophil’ news letter of Baroda Philatelic Society. He did extensive study on various aspects of Modern Indian Postal Services. Some of his well known articles are Media Post - One facet of Modern Indian Postal History, “M.D.G.” - A new appendage, Acknowledgement Due Form - An Alert, “L.S.G.” & “H.S.G.” – Two more appendages, Bar Coded Speed Post CPSL, Modern Peon Marks, His Random Notes on various services were also very interesting.
May his noble soul rest in peace.
Note: We shall publish his articles on Modern Indian Postal History in near future.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mahatma Gandhi.
Before death, Gandhiji uttered "HEY RAM" as if he wanted to say "SAB KO SANMATI DE BHAGWAN" it means - Give Prudence to all. |
Gandhiji's Assassination information was given to all the then Native States of India, by sending Telegrams from Government of India.
Government of India Regret mahatma Gandhi was victim of shooting outrage Gandhiji expired yesterday evening cremation will take place Saturday 4 PM. Prime minister has broadcast Saturday 31st be observed as day of fasting and prayer suggest offices should close entirely and flags half mast from sunrise = Statesind"
"D/8.7 mourning for mahatma Gandhi XXX government of India observing State mourning for thirteen days from thirtieth January flags will be flown at half mast and there will be no public entertainment during this period. = Secretary Westindia"
Courtesy: Mr. Ashok Kumar Bayanwala, Ahmedabad.
The Indian Postal Guide of August 1880 shows the following Postal Circles
The Indian Postal Guide of August 1881 shows the following Postal Circles
The Indian Postal Guide of July 1909 shows the following Postal Circles
| |||
Postal Circle
Head Quarters
Postal Circle
Head Quarters
Bengal (Including Bihar)
Bombay (Including Sind)
Eastern Bengal & Assam
Punjab & North West Frontier
U. P. (Agra & Oudh)
Sorting Circles-Northern
Sorting Circles-Eastern
Sorting Circles-Western
Sorting Circles-Southern
1. Andhra Pradesh | 13. Madhya Pradesh |
2. Assam | 14. Maharashtra |
3. Bihar | 15. North Eastern |
4. Chhattisgarh | 16. Orissa |
5. Delhi | 17. Punjab |
6. Gujarat | 18. Rajasthan |
7. Haryana | 19. Tamilnadu |
8. Himachal Pradesh | 20. Uttar Pradesh |
9. J & K | 21. Uttarakhand |
10. Jharkhand | 22. West Bengal |
11. Karnataka | 23. Army Postal Service |
12. Kerala |
Courtesy: Mr. Ashok Kumar Bayanwala, Ahmedabad.